Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crispy Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas sure are great, aren't they? You can use them in dips, salads, stir fries, cookies, waffles (coming soon!), and just as a crunchy snack. I've heard about roasting chickpeas, so I thought I'd give it a try. We keep a good amount of snacks in the house so I figured we might as well keep some healthy ones lying around!

Ingredients: (I didn't measure anything -- just use your best judgment)
chickpeas - I used dried and then cooked them before this
a couple tbsp. olive oil
spices - I used a combination of garlic powder, paprika, chili powder, cumin, cayenne, and salt

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Dry your chickpeas! I spread mine out over some napkins and just blotted them dry.
- Toss your chickpeas in olive oil. Make sure they're all coated!

- Bake these for 15 minutes, add your spices and stir around, and then another 15 minutes until golden in color. If you're able to dry yours better than I did, yours might not take this long. However, keep an eye out -- they may take longer!

- Transfer to a bowl or plate to cool off before eating. Be careful because they will be really hot!

Even though I think I could make a few minor alterations next time, I really enjoyed these. I think I cooked them a tad bit too long (they got SUPER crunchy after sitting for a couple hours) and I also think some of the spices burned. I added the spices before cooking them at all, so I recommend adding them halfway through the cooking process to avoid this. All in all, I'll be keeping chickpeas on hand at home just so I can make these. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll try them in my new dehydrator. Hmmm...


  1. What a great low cal treat for late night TV

  2. Definitely! Makes for a good snack in lunches, too :)

  3. I just bought the bag of dried chickpeas and not sure how to make them.

  4. Hi, Carla! This is something that took me a while to learn since I used to only buy canned beans! I hope these instructions help! Chickpeas almost double in size when cooked, so I recommend starting out with a cup or two.

    - Place beans in a large bowl and cover with water at least 3 inches above beans. Let beans soak in refrigerator overnight.
    - Once beans are done soaking, let drain.
    - Place beans in a large pot and cover with fresh water at least 3 inches above beans. Bring beans to a boil and then turn heat down to simmer.
    - Cook beans, stirring occasionally, about one hour. They should feel soft but not mushy.
    - Drain again and you're ready to use them!
