Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Delicious Day: Lots of Cashew Cream

I had some cashews soaking overnight so naturally the first thing I did when I woke up at 6am was make cashew cream to put atop my individual key lime pies. I promise that the recipes for both the raw key lime pies and raw cashew cream will be coming up! 

In the meantime, let's look at our big breakfast after we had a pretty uneventful morning of surfing (oh yeah, did I mention that we saw killer whales last time??)...

I made tofu scramble, roasted red skin potatoes, and we ate some fresh strawberries dipped in cashew cream. SO GOOD! It was a hearty breakfast and we needed it after fighting some big and choppy waves this morning.

After sitting around, playing on Sporcle, and doing the laundry, I had a snack...

...a raw key lime pie with cashew cream. Yeah! Doesn't it look so tasty?

We decided to head to the Safari Park for the day so I roasted some almonds, walnuts, and cashews as a snack. We've decided only to eat out once a week so I wanted to make sure I packed us something that would hold us over until we were able to come home and cook a nice dinner.

We also brought along some of these that we recently discovered from Target. I highly recommend them! They had a few flavors but we thought the cherry lime looked the best. Such a good decision!

And just for fun, look at this little guy...

Ok, ok... back to the food. We came home after a HOTT (yes, with two Ts) day at the park and really needed to refuel. I made some stuffed peppers (recipe to come!) and we snacked on a few more strawberries with cashew cream.

I seriously can't get enough of the stuff. Why haven't I made this before?

And that's how I ate today! I know I didn't really eat a lunch, which is definitely not like me. For some reason I stayed fairly full all day. I only had a problem with hydration due to the 90 degree heat at the park, but I made sure to stop at every drinking fountain that I passed.

I can't wait to share with you all recipes for the raw key lime pies, cashew cream, and stuffed peppers. Until next time...


  1. Hi there! Do you know where I can find information on cruelty-free cashews? I know that the poisonous oil in the cashew shell is very harmful to the workers who harvest them, but I am having a difficult time finding any additional information.

    Thank you MUCH!

    BTW, I love your site. ^_^

  2. Hi Sylvia! I wish I could help, but I don't really know anything about cruelty-free cashews. If you do end up finding more information on the subject, I would love it if you got back to me! Sounds like something I would enjoy learning more about.
