Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Easy Mac and "Cheese"

Every vegan I have ever met has their own go-to macaroni and cheese recipe. I normally just make mine up every time I attempt this classic dish. Thus, my version of mac and cheese is never quite the same as the time before it. I made up this recipe and it's not quite like any other I have tried. This new version might just become my go-to recipe!

2 servings of cooked pasta (I chose a whole grain rotini)
1 tbsp. miso
1 tbsp. tahini
2 tbsp. nutritional yeast
dash garlic powder, paprika, salt, and turmeric


- Stir in ingredients into freshly cooked pasta (the hot pasta will melt the tahini and miso).
- Eat!

This dish tastes the best right after it's made. It has a delicious"cheesy", nutty, and hearty taste with a bit of creaminess you get in regular macaroni and cheese. I love it!!

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